Do you ever get told that you’re intimating? Do you feel confident most of the time, but then wonder why no one approaches you?


Do you secretly feel annoyed or jealous that women who don’t seem to have what you have — in career, or smarts, or looks — still find great love?


Let me tell you the root cause of this: guarding your heart.


It’s one thing to be confident, and I am all for that sister!


But if you have confidence without any heart, it doesn’t leave the door open for someone special to approach you.


In the work I’ve done with hundreds of women, the funny thing is, the women who are the most guarded oftentimes have the biggest hearts! They keep their hearts guarded for a reason — there’s so much love in there, it would be devastating if it got trampled on…


so they keep it closed off, and even if they’re smiling or flirting, there’s a little energetic sign that says “keep away.”


If you’ve ever given your heart, only to be abandoned or rejected or cheated on, I feel you.


It’s enough to make us pretend life is okay, even though we’re dying inside without love.


Imagine what it would be like to be approached by a handsome guy…to have a stimulating, witty, flirty conversation…and for him to ask you out like a perfect gentleman…


And now imagine what it would be like to feel safe enough, with a man of integrity, that you could open that big heart of yours slowly, until you’re totally in love and he’s madly in love with you too…


Imagine being able to soften, relax, and receive..and still kick butt in your career…


I know this is possible because I’ve helped doctors, lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, sales executives and more find love — women who had been plagued by the comment “you’re too intimidating”


You don’t have to give up your power to find love…and you don’t have to guard your heart in order to protect it.


Are you ready to give your heart to the right person and be cherished forever?


Xoxo, Violet

PS if you’re ready to attract a strong, capable partner who is inspired by you, not intimidated, let’s talk. The right partner will love your power, but he needs to be able to find you and he can’t if your heart isn’t open! If you want to learn how to create lasting love with a partner who respects and honors you, and wants to take care of you even though you’re strong and don’t “need” him to, set up your free Breakthrough to Love call here:

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